- [논문] Development and Feasibility of Bundled Payments for the Multidisciplinary Treatment of Head and Neck Cancer: A Pilo
- 저자: Lee, Seohyun(Professor) 출간연도: 2018 제목: Development and Feasibility of Bundled Payments for the Multidisciplinary Treatment of Head and Neck Cancer: A Pilot Program 학술지명(상세정보) : Journal of Oncology Practice, 02/2018, Volume 14, Issue 2 초록: Despite growing interest in bundled payments to reduce the costs of care, this payment method remains largely untested in cancer. This 3-year pilot tested the feasibility of a 1-year bundled payment for the multidisciplinary treatment of head and neck cancers. Four prospective treatment-based bundles were developed for patients with selected head and neck cancers. These risk-adjusted bundles covered 1 year of care that began with primary cancer treatment. Manual processes were developed for patient identification, enrollment, billing, and payment. Patients were prospectively identified and enrolled, and bundled payments were made at treatment start. Operational metrics tracked incremental effort for pilot processes and average payment cycle time compared with fee-for-service (FFS) payments. This pilot confirmed the feasibility of a 1-year prospective bundled payment for head and neck cancers. Between November 2014 and October 2016, 88 patients were enrolled successfully with prospective bundled payments. Through September 2017, 94% of patients completed the pilot with 6% still enrolled. Manual pilot processes required more effort than anticipated; claims processing was the most time-consuming activity. The production of a bundle bill took an additional 15 minutes versus FFS billing. The average payment cycle time was 37 days (range, 15 to 141 days) compared with a 15-day average under FFS. Prospective bundled payments were successfully implemented in this pilot. Additional pilots should study this payment method in higher-volume cancers. Robust systems are needed to automate patient identification, enrollment, billing, and payment along with policies that reduce administrative burden and allow for the introduction of novel cancer therapies.
- 4단계BK21 교육연구단 2021.02.18
- [논문] Deliberative Policy-making and its Limitations: The Case of the Charter of Human Rights for Seoul Citizens in South
- 저자: Pan Suk Kim(Professor) 출간연도: 2018 제목: Deliberative Policy-making and its Limitations: The Case of the Charter of Human Rights for Seoul Citizens in South Korea 학술지명(상세정보) : Policy Studies, 01/2018, Volume 39, Issue 1 초록: Recent criticism of representative liberal democracy has spurred democratic experiments involving citizen consultations in deliberative forums. However, more research is needed in order to understand the conditions necessary to make them work. The aim of this paper is to help mitigate this deficiency and at the same time contribute to an informed reflection over the specific conditions for deliberative democracy in Korea. The study focuses on a unique deliberative process organized in order to establish a Charter of Human Rights for Seoul Citizens. Several lessons from this democratic experiment are discussed. While the process worked surprisingly well, its legitimacy was questioned because of controversies over the representativeness of participants and the involvement of external stakeholders. Although a complete consensus was not reached, initially disrespectful attitudes changed within the process to a situation where diverging positions were better acknowledged. How ideas of deliberation can be implemented in real-world public policy-making is discussed based on these findings. Key words : Deliberative democracy;citizen participation; Charter of Human Rights; metaconsensus;South Korea
- 4단계BK21 교육연구단 2021.02.18
- [논문] Strengthening Public Service Ethics in Government: The South Korean Experience
- 저자: Pan Suk Kim(Professor) 출간연도: 2017 제목: Strengthening Public Service Ethics in Government: The South Korean Experience 학술지명(상세정보) : Public Integrity, 11/2017, Volume 19, Issue 6 초록: Among the various laws in South Korea, the most important for strengthening public service ethics in the government include the following three major acts: the Public Service Ethics Act, the Anti-Corruption Act, and the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act. The main goal common to the three acts is the prevention of conflicts of interest (COI). Appropriately managing issues related to COI is the shortest route to bolstering public service ethics and preventing corruption. Focusing on these three acts, this article discusses what efforts have been made in Korea to strengthen public service ethics and prevent corruption. The article discusses such efforts to ensure that government officers remain ethical in relation to three stages: taking up public office before employment, holding office, and after leaving office. It also reviews the backgrounds to and processes of enacting the three acts and explores their major issues and shortcomings. Key words : anti-corruption, conflict of interest, Korea, public service ethics
- 4단계BK21 교육연구단 2021.02.18
- [논문] Public Caseworkers’ Strategies Coping with Accountability Demands
- 저자: Han, Yousueng(Professor) 출간연도: 2017 제목: Public Caseworkers’ Strategies Coping with Accountability Demands 학술지명(상세정보) : Journal of Public Affairs, 11/2017, Volume 17, Issue 4 초록: Public employees are required to manage multiple accountability requirements by investing in the relationship with those who demand accountability, making a commitment to the given tasks and anticipating what might happen. The purpose of the study is to explore how social caseworkers manage multiple accountability requirements compared to public managers. The analysis from child welfare caseworkers' interview data highlights a number of ways on how social caseworkers respond to multiple accountabilities. Although most of acts from caseworkers are exposed within the public managers' strategies, talking or discussing with coworkers and supervisors seems the caseworkers' contextual and endemic response. Discussions followed.
- 4단계BK21 교육연구단 2021.02.18
- [논문] Négocier les frontiers: Parcours migratoires de Vietnamiennes
- 저자: Hyunok Lee(Professor) 출간연도: 2017 제목: Négocier les frontiers: Parcours migratoires de Vietnamiennes 학술지명(상세정보) : Geneses, Volume 108, Issue3 초록: The paper explores how migration intersects with important periods in the life course, including education, work and marriage. Particular attention is given to the fact that different scales of migration may occur over one’s life course, and be motivated by different reasons. By examining the lifelong migration choices of Vietnamese marriage-migrants to South Korea researched during two periods of fieldwork in 2007-2008 and 2011-2012, this paper joins the discussion of how migration decisions relate to the contexts of Vietnamese economic development, post-industrial socio-demographic changes in South Korea, and growing concerns about social reproduction in East Asian countries. It further contributes to the discussion on the relationship between development, social reproduction and gendered migration.
- 4단계BK21 교육연구단 2021.02.18
- [저서] 한국의 경제사회 발전과 ICT산업의 진화
- 저자: 정무권(교수) 출간연도: 2017 제목: 한국의 경제사회 발전과 ICT산업의 진화 출판사명(상세정보) : 한울아카데미 소개: 바야흐로 4차 산업혁명 시대다. ICT 분야의 폭발적인 성장과 역동성은 한국이 미래에도 선진국에 결코 뒤지지 않을 것을 시사한다. 한국 자본주의는 단순 모방과 투자에 의존하는 산업화 시기를 지나 다양한 능력을 요구하는 시대에도 중견국의 위치를 유지하고 있다. 그러나 동시에 재벌과 공기업 중심의 독과점적 경제 체제가 공고화되고 노동시장과 소득 배분, 인적자원 육성 등 사회의 전 분야에서 갈등과 양극화가 발생했다. 스스로 글로벌 경제를 이끌어갈 역량을 축적하고 그 경쟁의 과정을 선도할 만한 경험이 부재했던 탓이다. 앞으로 한국이 지속적으로 발전하고, 글로벌 경제의 흐름을 주도하기 위해서는 ICT 산업을 핵심으로 경제와 사회, 문화의 역동성을 주도할 새로운 혁신적 산업 패러다임을 발전시켜야 한다. 이 책은 한국 ICT 산업의 전개 과정을 산업화 이후의 새로운 사회경제 발전 패러다임 전환이라는 관점에서 분석하고, 그 과정의 특징과 과제들을 정리한다. 특히 인간의 창조적 능력을 극대화하고, 이를 사회경제적 자원으로 활용하는 데 적합한 무형적 사회 자산, 인적자원 요소, 사회적 환경에 대한 투자, 여성 등 새로운 인적자원의 효과적 활용 그리고 제도적 혁신의 관점에서 접근했다.
- 4단계BK21 교육연구단 2021.02.18
- [논문] 농촌 지역주민들의 주관적 건강상태 결정요인: 아프리카 탄자이나 리아뭉구 지역
- 저자: 정무권(교수) 출간연도: 2017 제목: 농촌 지역주민들의 주관적 건강상태 결정요인: 아프리카 탄자이나 리아뭉구 지역 학술지명(상세정보) : 지역발전연구, 08/2017, Volume 26, Issue 2 초록: 본 연구는 탄자니아의 리암뭉구 농촌지역에서 주민의 자기 건강에 대한 자체 평가 설문지를 조사하여 건강에 대한 기본 정보를 제공함으로써 주관적 건강 인식의 결정 요인을 분석하는 것을 목적으로 하며, 농촌 지역 주민의 건강 증진을 위한 ODA에 대한 시사점을 제시하고자 한다. 이번 조사는 약 3,600명 중 무작위로 선정된 150명의 가구 대표자를 대상으로 실시하였다. 주관적 건강상태에 관한 설문지는 사회인구통계, 경제적 변수, 보건건강 변수, 거주자의 질병 등으로 구성되었고, 데이터의 분석을 위해서 계층적 로지스틱 회귀분석이 수행되었다. 교차분석 결과, 성별, 가족수, 식사회수, 운동, 금연, 금주, 만성질환, 의료서비스경험은 주관적 건강인식에 유의미하며, 회귀분석 결과, 경작면적, 농사 경력, 운동여부, 보건교육 여부, 음주 여부, 식사회수, 설사 경력이 유의미한 변수로 나타났다. 연구 결과에 의하면, 아프리카 탄자니아 리아뭉구 농촌지역에 거주하는 주민의 주관적 건강 인식을 향상시키기 위해서, 탄자니아 정부는 여성의 건강, 운동 증진, 음주 억제, 식사 제공, 설사 예방, 그리고 건강 증진 보건 교육을 위한 개선된 건강 프로그램을 제공해야 한다. 특히, 21-30년 동안 혹은 1헥터 미만으로 토지를 경작하는 사람들에게 건강관리 서비스 프로그램이 필요하다. 주제어: 주관적 건강상태; 주민건강; 보건서비스; 탄자니아, 농촌지역
- 4단계BK21 교육연구단 2021.02.18
- [저서] Challenges of Modernization and Governance in South Korea: The Sinking of the Sewol and its Causes
- 저자 : Hyunok Lee(Professor) 출간연도 : 2017 제목 : Challenges of Modernization and Governance in South Korea: The Sinking of the Sewol and its Causes 소개 : Focusing on the sinking of the Sewol, a commercial ferry which capsized off the South Korean coast in April 2014, this book considers key issues of disaster, governance, civil society and the ideational transformation of human agents and their empowerment. Providing a lens through which to re-examine South Korean institutions, laws and practices, the volume examines the impact of the Sewol incident and what it reveals about the fault lines of South Korean society and governance. It addresses the repercussions of South Korea’s turn to a liberal democracy and neoliberal economy and reflects on the multilayered implications of the disaster in respect to the potential human costs of the country’s state-driven development policy and high stress modernisation. The book also highlights the relevance of the Korean experience for other societies on a similar developmental trajectories and facing similar challenges.
- 4단계BK21 교육연구단 2021.02.18
- [논문] Burgeoning but still Experimental Practice of Deliberative Governance in South Korean Local Policy Making: The Case
- 저자: Tae In Park(Ph.D student) Pan Suk Kim(Professor) 출간연도: 2017 제목: Burgeoning but still Experimental Practice of Deliberative Governance in South Korean Local Policy Making: The Cases of Seoul and Gwangju 학술지명(상세정보) : Administration & Society, 07/2017, Volume 49, Issue 6 초록: Research on deliberative governance does not include many case studies on South Korea. We analyze deliberative governance in the Seoul and Gwangju Metropolitan Governments, drawing comparisons and lessons for operating effective deliberative governance to promote consensus building, citizen empowerment, and legitimation of policy choices through collective decision making. The two cases incorporate the characteristics of deliberative governance to a limited degree and in an experimental stage. Based on a comparison of the two cases, we discuss the application and limitations of deliberative processes along with suggestions for potentially improving the practice of deliberative governance in the South Korean context. Key words : deliberative governance, deliberative democracy, local policy making, Seoul, Gwangju, South Korea
- 4단계BK21 교육연구단 2021.02.18
- [논문] The Development of Modern Public Administration in East Asia
- 저자: Pan Suk Kim(Professor) 출간연도: 2017 제목: The Development of Modern Public Administration in East Asia 학술지명(상세정보) : International Review of Administrative Sciences, 06/2017, Volume 83, Issue 2 초록: East Asia has one of the most successful economies in the world today, so public administration as a practice as well as a discipline has arguably played a pivotal role in such a developmental process. However, there are not many readable references on such issues. Accordingly, this article will first discuss the issue of East Asian development models, after which it will discuss the civil service entrance examinations as an East Asian model of bureaucratic recruitment. This article will then discuss the development of modern public administration in three dimensions (i.e., practice, education, and research), after which it will discuss major issues and challenges of public administration in China, Japan, and South Korea. Key words : China, East Asia, Japan, modern public administration, South Korea
- 4단계BK21 교육연구단 2021.02.18