- [논문] Performance Evaluation of Regional Governors: The Case of the Russia Federation
- 저자: Pan Suk Kim(Professor) 출간연도: 2019 제목: Performance Evaluation of Regional Governors: The Case of the Russia Federation 학술지명(상세정보) : International journal of public administration, 2019, Volume 43, Issue 6 초록: This study examines recent changes in performance-based appraisals of Russian regional governors, key criteria used in the decision-making process regarding the reappointment or dismissal of top regional executives, the role of non-governmental organizations in their performance evaluations, and existing problems in this area. Moreover, the study explores the extent to which values such as equity, social justice, and quality of life are embodied in the performance evaluations of these officials. Keywords : Performance evaluation, regional governors, political appointment, Russian Federation, sub-national top-level officials
- 4단계BK21 교육연구단 2021.02.18
- [논문] New Development: A New Principle – The Higher the Position, The Broader the View
- 저자: Pan Suk Kim(Professor) 출간연도: 2019 제목: New Development: A New Principle – The Higher the Position, The Broader the View 학술지명(상세정보) : Public money & management, 2019, Volume 40, Issue 4 초록: The Peter Principle, introduced over 50 years ago, refers to an organizational phenomenon where employees in a hierarchy are promoted to positions for which they are not well qualified (Peter & Hull, 1969). It has been a topic of debate and empirical research in organizational theory and management literature ever since. This article does not seek to prove or disprove the Peter Principle. Rather, it provides an alternative explanation of promotion within an organization based on employee experience. The research presented here demonstrates that the role inhabited by an employee greatly influences their perspective, which may change based on their location within an organizational hierarchy. In other words, people's horizons depend on their place within that hierarchy. I offer a new principle, 'the higher the position, the broader the view', as a positive, productive perspective on promotion in contrast to the Peter Principle-'every employee tends to rise to his/her level of incompetence in a hierarchy'. I arrived at this new principle through my recent experiences as the Republic of Korea's Minister of Personnel Management. People often associate 'incompetence' with job-related tasks or skill competence, but near the top of hierarchies it is more about vision. In my view, 'incompetence' has many sources. I assume one source is a person's failure to see the big or bigger picture as they move up the ladder. Even if my principle is not entirely novel, it does not deter me from calling attention to the myopia of people as they move up the organizational hierarchy. Thus, to reduce the Peter Principle effect, leadership development and merit-based promotion will yield better results. Keywords : Organizational hierarchy, perspective, Peter Principle, promotion, position, view
- 4단계BK21 교육연구단 2021.02.18
- [논문] Health Care Reform in Ghana: Factors Affecting Insurance Enrollment
- 저자: Samuel Danaa(Ph.D student) & Kim, Pan Suk(professor) 출간연도: 2019 제목: Health Care Reform in Ghana: Factors Affecting Insurance Enrollment 학술지명(상세정보) : 한국아프리카학회지, 2019, Volume 57 초록: The main objective of this study is to examine the impact factors and perceptions of service quality that influence respondents’ decision to enroll in the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS). A cross-sectional study was used in the Saboba district in the Northern region of Ghana. The results revealed that of the 44.7% respondents are currently insured, 49.8% had been previously insured, and 5.6% had never been insured. Key reasons cited for enrollment were for financial protection against illness (60%) and that NHIS is considered to be better than the old system of “cash-and-carry” (25%). The main reasons found for non-renewal or dropout were that respondents could not afford the premium payment, which they considered to be relatively expensive (52%), they had to buy drugs outside of the facility (13.6%), and they were not satisfied with service quality (10.6%). Similarly, some of the reasons that were given for never enrolling also related to the unaffordability of premiums (56.8%), no confidence in the scheme (16.2%), and registration centers being too far (13.5%). Gender, household size, religion, monthly expenditure, distance to the nearest health post, perceived health status, perceived service provision, and main source of payment for NHIS premiums and fees were found to be statistically significant and influenced respondent enrollment in NHIS. 주제어: 가나, 의료개혁, 의료보험, 서비스 인식, 영향 요인
- 4단계BK21 교육연구단 2021.02.18
- [논문] Exploring the Sources of Cognitive Gap between Accountability and Performance
- 저자: Han, Yousueng(Professor) 출간연도: 2019 제목: Exploring the Sources of Cognitive Gap between Accountability and Performance 학술지명(상세정보) : Public personnel management, 09/2019 초록: This article decouples accountability and performance to highlight the cognitive gap in the ability to discern between accountability and performance at the street level. A qualitative content analysis of interviews from child welfare caseworkers provides several noteworthy findings. While these terms share certain common key themes, they also have different characteristics. Both terms may be understood and used interchangeably in practical applications, including serving (the children and families), responsible action (trust), following rules, completing the task, integrity/ethics, and effectiveness. Aside from the common key themes, accountability was also understood as embodying the key themes of explanation/meeting, expectation, and ownership. Conversely, performance was perceived as representing professionalism, skill, and teamwork. In general, when the frontline workers talk about process and relationships, they reference accountability and when they are discussing outcomes, they reference performance. This study highlights common and disparate characteristics associated with accountability and performance that explain why they are pursued simultaneously and why enhancing accountability sometimes does not lead to improving performance and vice versa. Keywords : accountability, performance, performance management, public services, caseworker
- 4단계BK21 교육연구단 2021.02.18
- [논문] 캄보디아 농업협동조합의 발전과 혁신에 관한 사례연구
- 저자: 전지민(석사과정) & 한상일(교수) 출간연도: 2019 제목: 캄보디아 농업협동조합의 발전과 혁신에 관한 사례연구 학술지명(상세정보) : 한국협동조합연구, 2019, Volume 37, Issue 2 초록: 이 사례연구는 캄보디아 농업협동조합의 발전과 혁신에 대한 네 가지 유형별 사례를 소개하고 공통점과 차이점을 분석한다. 동남아시아의 개발도상국가인 캄보디아는 농업의 비중이 높은 반면 농업을 위한 인프라의 부족, 새로운 기술 도입의 지체현상 그리고 시장접근성의 취약 등 고질적인 문제에 직면하고 있다. 2010년대 이후 캄보디아 정부는 마을단위의 협동조합 결성을 장려하여 지역별로 다양하게 나타나는 문제를 극복하고자 했으나 그 효과성은 높지 않았다. 이 사례연구가 소개하는네 개의 농업협동조합은 캄보디아 농촌지역에서 다양한 방식으로 지역의 발전에 기여하여 모범사례로 소개되고 있다. 이 연구에서는 각 협동조합의 혁신활동을 혁신의 초점과 활동의 범위를 기준으로 유형별로 구분하여 네 가지 분석단위를 수립하였다. 각각의 유형별로 대표적인 협동조합을 배경, 변화와 발전 그리고 결과로 나누어 설명하였다. 분석결과를 토대로 연구의 함의를 도출하고 향후연구를 위한 과제를 설명하면서 연구를 마무리하였다. 주요어 : 농업협동조합, 협동조합, 캄보디아, 혁신, 사례연구
- 4단계BK21 교육연구단 2021.02.18
- [저서] 일차보건의료: 티카풀(네팔)이 강화(대한민국)를 만나다
- 저자: 정무권(교수) 출간연도: 2019 제목: 일차보건의료: 티카풀(네팔)이 강화(대한민국)를 만나다 출판사명(상세정보) : 박영사, 08/19 소개: 『일차보건의료: 티카풀네팔이 강화대한민국를 만나다!』는 연세대학교 빈곤문제국제개발연구원(INSTITUTE FOR POVERTY ALLEVIATION AND INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, IPAID)이 출간하는 빈곤문제연구총서 중의 하나로서 매우 특별한 의미를 가진다. 이 책은 올해 8월에 3단계 3년차 한국연구재단 중점연구소사업의 융합연구과정을 종료하면서 IPAID가 성취한 연구 성과들을 정리하는 총서시리즈 기획의 하나이다. 애당초 중점연구소사업의 주제는 지역에 기반하여 보건의료, 농업, 환경, 거버넌스 등 융합적인 접근을 통해 통합적인 지역개발 모형을 개발하는 것이었다. ‘티카풀네팔이 강화대한민국를 만나다!’라는 이 책의 부제는 어찌 보면 독자들에게는 매우 생소하게 생각될 것이다. 이는 네팔의 티카풀과 한국의 강화는 지리적으로 직선 거리상 약 3,900KM 정도 매우 멀리 떨어진 서로 관계가 없는 지역이기 때문이지만, 역사적 시간에서는 우연을 넘어선 깊은 연관성을 가진다는 것을 발견할 수 있다.
- 4단계BK21 교육연구단 2021.02.18
- [저서] 우리 지역은 SDGs 이행을 어떻게 했는가?
- 저자: 정무권(교수) 출간연도: 2019 제목: 우리 지역은 SDGs 이행을 어떻게 했는가? 출판사명(상세정보) : 박영사 소개 : 정치에관한 내용을 담은 전문서적입니다.
- 4단계BK21 교육연구단 2021.02.18
- [논문] The Effects of Local Government Quality and Individual Characteristics on Quality of Life: A Case Study of Nepal an
- 저자: Hyunok Lee(Professor) 출간연도: 2019 제목: The Effects of Local Government Quality and Individual Characteristics on Quality of Life: A Case Study of Nepal and Ethiopia 학술지명(상세정보) : 지역발전연구, 08/2019, Volume 28, Issue 2 초록: The purposes of this study is to analyze the quality of government and the impact of individual characteristics on quality of life (QOL) in the local governments of Nepal and Ethiopia. Many researchers have emphasized the quality of government as a universal measure of the quality of life and have tested its effectiveness, but there are not many studies on the effects in developing countries. By testing this model in developing country cases, this study shows whether it’s still applicable in the developing world and examines what kind of local government capacities are associated with quality of life in each country context. We used the survey data already collected from 412 local residents in Nepal’s Tikapur in 2017 and 500 local residents from three Ethiopian regions in 2019. The surveys were conducted by the Institute for Poverty Alleviation and International Development under the project of ‘Capability Data Series’. Studies have shown that the quality of governance, the quality of public services, and the convenience of access to public services have a positive effect on the quality of life, and that individual freedom, health condition, and living habits affect the quality of life in terms of personal characteristics. In addition, it has been found that the impact of government quality and individual characteristics on various dimensions of quality of life varies from country to country. The result indicates that individuals living in a community whose governments is accountable, provide better public services, and ensure easy access to the public services are more satisfied and happier than those living in areas with low-quality of local government. Also, individuals living with strong and healthy social-economic-physical status and good habits enjoy a high level quality of life. Key Words: Quality of Government, Public Services, Quality of Life, Nepal, Ethiopia
- 4단계BK21 교육연구단 2021.02.18
- [논문] An Explorer of Public Administration and Development: Dr. Paul D. Collins (in memoriam)
- 저자: Pan Suk Kim(Professor) 출간연도: 2019 제목: An Explorer of Public Administration and Development: Dr. Paul D. Collins (in memoriam) 학술지명(상세정보) : Public Administration and Development, 08/2019, Volume 39, Issue 3
- 4단계BK21 교육연구단 2021.02.18
- [논문] A Critical Review of the 2015 Korean Civil Service Pension Reform
- 저자: Pan Suk Kim(Professor) 출간연도: 2019 제목: A Critical Review of the 2015 Korean Civil Service Pension Reform 학술지명(상세정보) : Public Money & Management, 07/2019, Volume 39, Issue 5 초록: The Republic of Korea's civil service pension (KCSP) was established in 1960 and has been changed several times to overcome the serious financial burdens it has placed on the country. Major problems related to the KCSP include its structure (low contribution and high benefit) and the country's rapidly aging population. The authors examine the 2015 KCSP reform, reviewing the reasons for the reform, its process, and its fiscal and policy implications. Reforms in other countries are briefly compared. The paper provides important lessons for researchers and practitioners involved in public sector pension reforms. IMPACTThe Republic of Korea's civil service pension reform was urgently needed to reduce the financial burden on the nation. Accordingly, in December 2014, a Special Committee for the Civil Service Pension Reform' was established, composed of members from ruling and opposition parties and a Body for a Societal Grand Compromise on Civil Service Pension Reform', with the aim of resolving conflicts through discussion between the main stakeholders, including public officials, experts, civil society, and civil service unions. The Korean government found it very difficult to reach an agreement on the pension reform plan, because contributors would be paying more, receiving less, and receiving later. Nevertheless, following lengthy discussion involving intensive dialogue with social partners, policy actors arrived at a social consensus through a deliberative process. Keywords : Civil service, pension act, pension reform, public sector pensions, South Korea
- 4단계BK21 교육연구단 2021.02.18