- [논문] 사회적경제 참여가 비제도적 정치참여에 미치는 영향
- 저자: 한상일(교수), 조인영(교수) 출간연도: 2022.08 제목: 사회적경제 참여가 비제도적 정치참여에 미치는 영향 학술지명(상세정보) : 한국사회와 행정연구 제33권 제2호 초록: 본 연구는 사회적경제 참여가 비제도적 정치참여에 긍정적으로 영향을 미칠 것이라는 가설을 경험적으로 검증한다. 우선, 사회적경제의 개념화를 통해 사회적경제가 정치참여에 미치는 영향을 이론적으로 설명하고자 하였으며, 이어 사회적경제와 다양한 유형의 정치참여와의 관계를 경험적으로 밝히려 하였다. 특히 사회적경제는 투표와 같은 제도적 참여보다는 서명, 시위, 방문, 온라인 커뮤니티 활동 등 비제도적 참여와 더 밀접하게 연결될 것이라는 점에 주목하여 사회적경제 참여와 비제도적 정치참여의 관계를 설명하였다. 이론적 검토를 근거로 한국의 지역주민 1,900명을 대상으로 조사한 설문조사 자료를 분석한 결과, 사회적경제 참여와 비제도적 정치참여의 사이에는 긍정적인 양의 관계가 존재함을 실증적으로 확인하였다. 이 같은 결과는 참여민주주의의 쇠퇴가 진행되는 상황에서 사회적경제의 기여 가능성을 보여준다는 점에서 민주주의의 후퇴와 사회적경제를 다루는 기존연구에 이론적, 경험적으로 기여한다. 주제어: 사회적경제, 비제도적 정치참여, 참여민주주의
- 4단계BK21 교육연구단 2023.02.23
- [논문] An analysis of the factors affecting children and adolescent lifestyle in South Korea: A cross-sectional study with
- 저자: Ah-Ram Kim, Seohyun Lee (Professor), Ji-Hyuk Park Published : February 2022 제목: An analysis of the factors affecting children and adolescent lifestyle in South Korea: A cross-sectional study with KCYPS 2018 학술지명(상세정보) : PLOS ONE 초록: The purpose of this study is to identify lifestyle factors that affect the subjective health conditions of adolescents in South Korea by utilizing data from the Korean Children’s and Youth Panel Survey 2018 conducted in Korea. Methods This cross-sectional study used data from 4,490 students (2,399 students in the fourth grade of elementary school and 2,541 students in the first grade of middle school). The data obtained were evaluated using living time (sleep time, study time, leisure time), emotions (happiness, self-esteem, emotional problems), capabilities (cooperative attitude, grit), health (life satisfaction, exercise time, number of breakfasts, quality of sleep), media (smartphone use and dependence), school (school life satisfaction, relationship with friends and teachers), and home (time spent with parents, parenting attitude). Results We confirmed that regardless of grade, living time (leisure time), emotion (happiness, self-esteem, emotional problems), capabilities (grit), health (life satisfaction, exercise time, quality of sleep), media (smartphone dependence), and school (school life satisfaction, friendly, and teacher relations) are related to subjective health conditions. These results confirmed that evaluation parameters are related to subjective health conditions regardless of grade. Conclusion This investigation revealed that the higher the quality of sleep enhanced positive emotions while increased exercise
- 4단계BK21 교육연구단 2023.02.23
- [논문] Public Employee Accountability : An Empirical Examination of a Nomological Network
- 저자: Yousueng Han (Professor) Published : June 2021 제목: Public Employee Accountability : An EmpiricalExamination of a Nomological Network 학술지명(상세정보) : Public Performance & Management Review 초록: While the field of public management has long emphasized the importance of holding public employees accountable for their actions, our understanding of how best to do so has been hindered by a dearth of empirical research on this topic. Recent literature has called for more examination of individual subjective experiences of being accountable – employee accountability – in order to research how macro accountability systems make a difference to individuals. To validate the employee accountability construct in the public domain, we collect data from two separate samples using a multidimensional scale to measure public employee accountability. We analyze these data to explore the nomological network of public employee accountability by assessing its relationship with both a logical antecedent and expected outcomes. Based on findings that validate the nomological network, we discuss how this research contributes to the literature on accountability and possible directions for future research.
- 4단계BK21 교육연구단 2021.08.17
- [논문] 인사제도 수용성의 공직자책무성 영향: 공직몰입의 조절효과
- 저자: Yousueng Han (Professor) Published : June 2021 제목: 인사제도 수용성의 공직자책무성 영향: 공직몰입의 조절효과 학술지명(상세정보) : 한국인사행정학회보 초록: This article examined the impact of the acceptance of personnel systems on public employee accountability and the moderating effect of professional commitment on the relationship. Surveying public employees in the Korean central government, we conducted hierarchical multiple regression. The acceptance of profession-based appointment, competitive exam-based recruitment, promotion reflecting service year, and internal fairness-based compensation positively affected public employee accountability. On the other hand, the acceptance of close recruiting negatively affected public employee accountability. The acceptance of external fairness-based compensation and regional balance-based recruiting did not affect public employee accountability. In particular, professional commitment moderated the effects of the acceptance of close recruitment and promotion reflecting service year on the public employee accountability. These advance understandings on the relationship between public personnel systems and public employee accountability and offer useful information to develop the contingency theory of public employee accountability. Discussions on research limitations and future studies follow with theoretical and practical implications. 주제어 : 인사제도, 공직자책무성, 공직몰입
- 4단계BK21 교육연구단 2021.08.17
- [논문] Conceptual Bases of Employee Accountability : A Psychological Approach
- 저자 : Yousueng Han (Professor) Published : 09 January 2020 제목: Conceptual Bases of Employee Accountability: A Psychological Approach 학술지명(상세정보) : Perspectives on Public Management and Governance 초록: The external control of public organizations and their members, commonly referred to as accountability, is an enduring theme in public administration. This article shifts attention from a traditional focus on accountability as a macro-institutional matter to the psychology of accountability, that is, whether and how employees internalize accountability systems. The internalization of rules and expectations varies by individual, which, in turn, has significant consequences for accountability outcomes. We theorize that the micro-foundations of employee accountability are affected by five factors: attributability, observability, evaluability, answerability, and consequentiality. These five dimensions are conceptually distinct but interrelated, representing a deeper common psychological construct of employee accountability. Incorporating the psychological approach of accountability advances the potential of public accountability research. We conclude with a discussion of future research and practical implications.
- 4단계BK21 교육연구단 2021.08.17
- [논문] New development: Competency Assessment System and Practice in Government – the South Korean Experience
- 저자: Pan Suk Kim(Professor) 출간연도: 2020 제목: New development: Competency Assessment System and Practice in Government – the South Korean Experience 학술지명(상세정보) : Public money & management, 08/2020 초록: Many advanced countries have introduced competency assessment to define the necessary abilities for effective job performance—linking key human resource management and leadership development activities to ensure organizations have competent employees. Competency management is the subject of considerable attention worldwide, but the concept is not well researched. This article reviews the South Korean government’s competency assessment system and explains how it can be adapted to develop civil servants. Keywords : Competency; competency assessment; competency management; competency model; senior civil serviceGhana, public service motivation, emotional labor, deep acting, surface acting, job performance
- 4단계BK21 교육연구단 2021.02.18
- [논문] Transforming the Stunted UNESCO-Korea Development Partnership? The Case of UNESCO Bangkok’s Strategic Framework for
- 저자: Bo Kyung Kim(Research Professor) 출간연도: 2020 제목: Transforming the Stunted UNESCO-Korea Development Partnership? The Case of UNESCO Bangkok’s Strategic Framework for the Korea Funds-in-Trust 학술지명(상세정보) : Korean social science journal, 06/2020, Volume 47, Issue 1 초록: This study sets out to analyze a delicate and uncomfortable relationship between UNESCO Bangkok Office and the Korean partner agencies in carrying out the Korea Funds-in-Trust (KFIT) for one decade (2007 – 2016). The development partnership between UNESCO and Korean partners has been problematized due to lack of not only coordination mechanisms from the initial stage to the final reporting of KFIT projects but also lack of intention of both parties to understand partner’s internal processes of policy transfers. The upshot of such a low degree of trust between donor and implementer of trust funds is expected to spawn the accountability deficits. In responding to this challenging situation, the study proposes a new strategic framework for the KFIT, which is equipped with its key findings and the restoration of coordination mechanisms based upon them. Keywords : Development Partnership․UNESCO․Korea Funds-in-Trust․Strategic Framework ․Coordination Mechanism
- 4단계BK21 교육연구단 2021.02.18
- [논문] 지속가능발전목표 이행의 글로벌 경향성 분석: UN 자발적국별리뷰(VNR)를 중심으로
- 저자: 김보경(Research Professor) 출간연도: 2020 제목: 지속가능발전목표 이행의 글로벌 경향성 분석: UN 자발적국별리뷰(VNR)를 중심으로 학술지명(상세정보) : 국정관리연구, 06/2020, Volume 15, Issue 2 초록: 본 연구는 2015년 9월 유엔총회에서 ‘지속가능발전목표(SDGs)’가 선포된 이래, 첫 번째 주 기인 2016년부터 2019년까지 4년 동안의 SDGs 이행에 대하여 UN과 관련 기관의 문서를 활용하여 이들을 비교・검토하고 그 경향성을 분석하고자 한다. 이를 위해 먼저 SDGs의 역사 적 형성과정을 살펴보고 SDGs의 핵심을 거버넌스, 특히 목표설정에 의한 거버넌스로 상정한 후, 거버넌스의 분절화 수준에 관한 이론에 근거하여 SDGs의 성과를 현재 가용 가능하며 신뢰 할 수 있는 공식자료인 UN 자발적국별리뷰(VNR), UN 고위급정치포럼(HLPF)의 주제별 검 토, 그리고 유엔지속가능발전해법네트워크(UNSDSN)의 지속가능발전보고서를 분석하여 평 가할 것을 제시하였다. 이어서 UN 회원국이 자국 내에서 SDGs 이행계획과 목표에 대해 UN 고위급정치포럼(HLPF)에 보고하는 VNR의 제도화 과정을 검토한 후, VNR 분석의 중요성, HLPF가 제안하는 연례주제와 중점 SDGs, UNSDSN의 지속가능발전보고서와 SDGs의 난제 (MCR)를 개관하였다. 구체적인 분석으로, 연구는 SDGs의 이행에 대해 UN VNR, HLPF의 주제별 검토, 그리고 UNSDSN의 지속가능발전보고서를 중심으로 이들 사이의 여섯 가지 관 계성을 분석하여, 각 국가별 목표와 글로벌 수준 목표의 일치 정도와 부조화, 이행에서의 문제 와 탈동조화 현상 등을 확인하였다. 마지막으로 이러한 분석에서 드러난 SDGs 이행의 문제점 을 보완하고 이행성 강화를 위한 제도와 정책을 제시하였다. Keywords : 지속가능발전목표(SDGs), 자발적국별리뷰(VNR), 유엔지속가능발전해법네트워크 (UNSDSN), 국내이행, 거버넌스
- 4단계BK21 교육연구단 2021.02.18
- [논문] Why Emotional Labor is Important for Public Service Motivation and Job Performance? : The Case of Civil Servants in
- 저자: Adam, Abdul-jabiru(Ph.D Student) & Pan Suk Kim(Professor) 출간연도: 2020 제목: Why Emotional Labor is Important for Public Service Motivation and Job Performance? : The Case of Civil Servants in Ghana 학술지명(상세정보) : 세계지역연구논총, 03/2020, Volume 38, Issue 1 초록: This study empirically investigates the effect of two strategies of emotional labor (deep acting and surface acting) on the relationship between public service motivation (PSM) and perceived job performance using a cross-sectional survey. Results from the statistical analysis reveal that both PSM and deep acting have a positive significant influence on perceived job performance. In addition, deep acting has a positive significant moderating effect on the relationship between PSM and perceived job performance. Furthermore, the results of the structural equation model show that deep acting significantly mediates the relationship between PSM and perceived job performance, whereas surface acting has no mediating effect on the relationship between PSM and perceived job performance. These findings reaffirm the significance of individual dispositional motives and emotive __EXPRESSION__s in public service delivery and public organizations, and shows that educational institutions need to foster the training of public employees on emotional labor management. Furthermore, public sector managers need to ensure the person-organization fit of employees, create a supportive work environment to their subordinates, and screen job applicants for PSM and affective motives. Keywords : Ghana, public service motivation, emotional labor, deep acting, surface acting, job performance
- 4단계BK21 교육연구단 2021.02.18
- [논문] Managing Gender Diversity in the Ethiopian Government
- 저자: Zenebe, Nigusie Tadesse(Ph.D student) and Kim, Pan Suk(Professor) 출간연도: 2020 제목: Managing Gender Diversity in the Ethiopian Government 학술지명(상세정보) : 국제학논총, 2020, Volume 31 초록: The issue of human diversity has become a pressing global concern as interaction among people significantly increases because of dynamic demographic, political, economic, and socio-cultural changes. This paper attempts to investigate how gender diversity is managed in the Ethiopian government. The study reveals that women’s representation in decision-making positions, such as those held by political appointees and senior officials, is poor, with women primarily being concentrated in low-level clerical jobs in the Ethiopian government. Further, there is a considerable disparity in the representation of women government employees among regional states. Moreover, approximately one-third of the nearly 80 ethnic groups in Ethiopia were not represented at all. Therefore, as a multiethnic and federal nation, Ethiopia needs to reconsider its personnel policies designed to promote gender diversity and ethnic representation in its public sector. Keywords: Gender diversity, managing diversity, representation, government, Ethiopia
- 4단계BK21 교육연구단 2021.02.18