- [논문] Quiet Corruption and Social Accountability in Health and Education Services of Tanzania: an investigation on how Qu
- 저자: Ladigracia E. Lyakurw(Ph.D student) Pan Suk Kim(Professor) 출간연도: 2017 제목: Quiet Corruption and Social Accountability in Health and Education Services of Tanzania: an investigation on how Quiet Corruption is interpreted in Tanzania 학술지명(상세정보) : 세계지역연구논총 35집 2호 초록: The study provides a qualitative analysis of how Quiet Corruption (QC) has been perceived by citizens and the anti-corruption agency in Tanzania, as well as the factors hindering social accountability (SA) among ordinary citizens. Generally, QC is various malpractices committed by street-level bureaucrats, which mainly occur in forms such as absenteeism or ghost workers, but not necessarily involving cash transactions. Enabling citizens to hold public officials and service providers accountable for their decisions or behavior is known as social accountability (SA). The study was conducted in the Dodoma region of Tanzania. Focus group discussions and face-to-face interviews were employed to collect data on QC and SA. A constant comparative method was used to categorize instances from focus group discussions and analyze the data. The incidence of QC is widespread in health and education and has become normalized as a part of life. State-led SA could contribute to improvements in public services, particularly in health and education services. Corruption is embedded in the society; thus corruption is a serious social problem. To combat QC effectively, this paper suggests reducing public officials’ discretion, reshape societal values and power restructuring, involving ethical leaders and introducing robust local monitoring mechanisms and strict measures against grand corruption. Key word: corruption, quiet corruption, social accountability, Tanzania, Africa
- 4단계BK21 교육연구단 2021.02.18
- [논문] 부산 하천 거버넌스의 진화? -동천 재생 프로젝트 마스터 플랜 사례를 중심으로
- 저자 : 김고운(Research Professor) 출간연도 : 2017 제목 : 부산 하천 거버넌스의 진화?- 동천 재생 프로젝트 마스터 플랜 사례를 중심으로 학술지명(상세정보) : 인문사회과학연구 제18권 제2호(2017. 5. 31) 부경대학교 인문사회과학연구소 초록 : 도시하천은 한국사회에서 도시 재생뿐만 아니라 도시 물 거버넌스의 주요 의제가 되었다. 본 연구는 부산의 대표적인 도심형 하천인 동천의 관리와 지역 재생을 둘러싼 거버넌스가 어떻게 형성되었으며, 그 역할은 무엇인지, 기존의 부산 지역 내 하천 관리 거버넌스 역사와 제도발전의 요소를 연결해서 분석하고자 한다. 연구 대상은 부산발전연구원이 부산시의 용역을 받아 수행한 “동천 재생 마스터 플랜” 수립과정 및 이후 2016년 12월까지 동천 관련 지역 하천거버넌스 및 부산시 하천거버넌스이다. 연구 방법론은 질적 연구방법인 사례 분석으로서 핵심이해관계자를 대상으로 한 반 구조화된 면담 조사기법(semi-structured interview method)을 활용하였다. 제도로서 부산시와 동천 하천 거버넌스의 형성과 발전, 영향 요소 분석을 통해 볼 때 2000년대 초반에 형성되어 현재까지에 이른 부산 하천 거버넌스는 진화해왔다. 동천 유역 거버넌스는 재생마스터플랜 작성 과정과 이후 과정에서 하천 환경을 유역 공동체, 도시재생과 연계하여 모색하는 확장된 거버넌스로 발전하기 시작하였다. 유역시민단체의 결합으로 부산시 하천 거버넌스의 진보도 촉진할 것으로 기대된다. 주제어 : 부산광역시, 하천 거버넌스, 시민 참여, 도시 재생, 제도 발전
- 4단계BK21 교육연구단 2021.02.18
- [논문] Knowledge communication and non-communication in the water governance of the Saemangeum area, South Korea
- 저자 : KoUn Kim(Research Professor) 출간연도 : 2017 제목 : Knowledge communication and non-communication in the water governance of the Saemangeum area, South Korea 학술지명(상세정보) : Journal of Cleaner Production 초록: This paper looks at how knowledge has been communicated within a multi-layered water governance structure in order to manage non-point source (NPS) pollution in South Korea. Since 28,300 ha of wetlands were reclaimed in Saemangeum, on the western side of the country, in 2006, the artificial lake created has suffered from chronic pollution. For the purposes of integrated water management, a water governance structure was formed linking organisations ranging from local to national scales. Despite institutional efforts to implement integrated water management and a governance approach, knowledge of NPS pollution and its management was produced and communicated among certain stakeholders only, such as policy and technical experts. In-depth interview and archival analysis of this research attempt to explain why and how the loss of knowledge communication occurred in this context. The first result of this research illustrates that, while knowledge communication has been smooth at the national and provincial layers, it has not taken place efficiently through to the local layer. When it comes to local farmers and governmental organisations and experts in particular, knowledge nodes have not functioned. Second, the research suggests that non-communication of knowledge has been mobilised as a professional strategy. Actors at the local layer have prioritized their professional interests and intentionally avoided knowledge communication with other department or ministries. Local and community actors have chosen not to provide farmers information.We conclude by discussing policy implications for knowledge comunication and inclusive water governance. Keywords: Information, Knowledge, Communication, Water governance, Saemangeum, Non-point source pollution, Integrated water management
- 4단계BK21 교육연구단 2021.02.18
- [논문] Tackling a Hard Reform Agenda in Developing Countries:The Case of Anti-Corruption Reforms in Nepal
- 저자 : Prabin Maharjan(Ph.D student) Pan Suk Kim(Professor) 출간연도 : 2017 제목: Tackling a Hard Reform Agenda in Developing Countries:The Case of Anti-Corruption Reforms in Nepal 학술지명(상세정보) : 한국부패학회보 저122권 제1호 초록 : Corruption is one of the major obstacles in eradicating severe poverty, promoting good governance, and accomplishing the Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations, especially in developing countries. Even though almost every nation has established some anti-corruption legal provisions and agencies along with anti-conuption reform measures, they have not been effective in eradicating corruption and promoting good governance. Nepal is no exception in this matter. Past attempts to tackle corruption have been ineffective, and corruption is widespread and continuously increasing in Nepal. The objective of this study is to analyze the anti-corruption reforms in Nepal and thereby draw lessons for the future. Raising the main question of why anti-corruption reforms fail in Nepal, various anti-corruption policies and agencies are discussed to answer the research question. In addition, the performance of the Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA) is analyzed for an overview of anti-corruption practice in Nepal as well as its failure in tackling corruption there. Key words: corruption, reforms, anti-corruption, Nepal, anti-corruption reforms,governance
- 4단계BK21 교육연구단 2021.02.18
- [논문] Impact of Decentralization on the Effective Implementation of a Performance Management System ...
- 저자 : Ladigracia E. Lyakurw(Ph.D student) Pan Suk Kim(Professor) 출간연도 : 2016 제목 : Impact of Decentralization on the Effective Implementation of a Performance Management System in Public Secondary Schools in Tanzania 학술지명(상세정보) : 세계지역연구논총 34집 2호 초록 : The purpose of this study is to assess the impact of decentralization on the implementation of a performance management system (PMS) in public secondary education in Tanzania. The study used a qualitative approach, with some quantitative features. A number of classroom teachers and school leaders were surveyed using questionnaires to collect data on the decentralization and implementation of a PMS in schools. The data was analyzed using grounded theory and was coded and grouped into themes. The findings revealed that decentralization complicates the implementation of a PMS for the teachers. A teacher’s promotion and career development followed the traditional system, and no follow-up actions were taken when teachers perform poorly. However, teachers agreed that the implementation of a PMS has generally improved teamwork, punctuality, and attendance among teachers. Given the importance of teachers as educators, the study recommends the government redesign the teachers’ appraisal system to be more relevant to their working environment and include realistically measurable indicators. Key Words: Decentralization, Performance Management, Secondary Education, Tanzania
- 4단계BK21 교육연구단 2021.02.18
- [논문] Talent management in government in times of economic instability selected cases from the BRICS countries
- 저자 : Pan Suk Kim(Professor) 출간연도 : 2016 제목 : Talent management in government in times of economic instability selected cases from the BRICS countries 학술지명(상세정보) : Public Money & Management January 2017 7-14 초록 : This paper explores the policies that three BRICS countries used to tackle the growing problem of attracting and retaining talent in public sector institutions. The authors trace the changes in these countries’ strategies and approaches resulting from growing budgetary constraints; labour market shifts; new demographic trends; increasing demands for higher performance by public servants; and complex challenges faced by governments worldwide. Although talent management in public sector institutions was a government priority for the three countries—Brazil, China, and Russia—the results achieved have been modest. The authors draw lessons for other governments from their analysis. Keywords: Brazil; BRICS; China; government; Russia; talent management.
- 4단계BK21 교육연구단 2021.02.18
- [논문] The Burgeoning but Still Experimental Practice of Deliberative Governance in South Korean Local Policy-Making ...
- 저자 :Tae In Park(Ph.D student) Pan Suk Kim(Professor) 출간연도 : 2016 제목 :The Burgeoning but Still Experimental Practice of Deliberative Governance in South Korean Local Policy-Making The Cases of Seoul and Gwangju 학술지명(상세정보) : Administration & Society 1–28 초록 : Research on deliberative governance does not include many case studies on South Korea. We analyze deliberative governance in the Seoul and Gwangju Metropolitan Governments, drawing comparisons and lessons for operating effective deliberative governance to promote consensus building, citizen empowerment, and legitimation of policy choices through collective decision making. The two cases incorporate the characteristics of deliberative governance to a limited degree and in an experimental stage. Based on a comparison of the two cases, we discuss the application and limitations of deliberative processes along with suggestions for potentially improving the practice of deliberative governance in the South Korean context. Keywords: deliberative governance, deliberative democracy, local policy making, Seoul, Gwangju, South Korea
- 4단계BK21 교육연구단 2021.02.18
- [논문] Adapting to Marriage Markets International Marriage Migration from Vietnam to South Korea
- 저자 : Hyunok Lee(Professor) 출간연도 : 2016 제목 : Adapting to Marriage Markets International Marriage Migration from Vietnam to South Korea 학술지명(상세정보) : Journal of Comparative Family Studies 초록: International marriages within Asia, although by no means unprecedented historically,2 have been on the rise over the last two decades. Often these marital unions have been between men from more wealthy countries in the region and women from less affluent ones (Constable, 2005). In particular, women from China and Southeast Asia have been leaving their countries of origin to marry men from Japan, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan (Jones & Shen, 2008). Lu and Yang (2010) contend that in addition to this general trend, recent international marriage migration within Asia has also increasingly been commercially brokered or arranged through interpersonal networks, and characterized by little to no courtship among partners. Our analysis focuses on the marriage migration stream that has developed between Vietnam and South Korea, its antecedents, its characteristics, and the ways in which it exemplifies these regional patterns.
- 4단계BK21 교육연구단 2021.02.18
- [논문]Innovating Public Service Delivery in Transitional Countries: The Case of One Stop Shops in Kazakhstan
- 저자 : Pan Suk Kim(Professor) 출간연도 : 2016 제목 :Innovating Public Service Delivery in Transitional Countries: The Case of One Stop Shops in Kazakhstan 학술지명(상세정보) : International Journal of Public Administration 2016, VOL. 39, NO. 4, 323–333 초록 : This article analyses the implementation of managerial ideas in Kazakhstan using the case of acombined public service delivery called “One Stop Shops”. Several public services are provided in a single building rather than different government offices in a business-like style of service delivery and in a modern physical environment. The service integration policy is an attempt of Kazakhstani government to improve the quality of public services and reduce corruption. Some positive progress in improving the accessibility of public services has been noted. However, as this article argues, the country-specific model of “alternative-access” service delivery was not able to implement in-depth changes in the work of the public sector and improve service quality. Implementation of the managerial ideas has been limited and constrained by the institutional framework and culture prevailing in the Kazakhstani bureaucracy. The main conclusion is that the governments of transitional countries need to critically analyze the pros and cons of the new policies and reflect on their cultures before making further steps to adopt Western managerial initiatives.
- 4단계BK21 교육연구단 2021.02.18
- [논문] Reforming Recruitment and Selection of the Nepalese Civil Service
- 저자 :Prabin Maharjan(Ph.D student) Pan Suk Kim(Professor) 출간연도 : 2016 제목 : Reforming Recruitment and Selection of the Nepalese Civil Service 학술지명(상세정보) : 「한국거버넌스학회보」 제23권 제3호(2016년 12월): 1~35 초록 : This study aims to critically analyze the recruitment and selection of the Nepalese civil service to identify the prevalent problems affecting recruitment and selection, as well as the factors contributing to the inadequacies of the exercise, and to suggest policy recommendations for further development of the Nepalese civil service. A qualitative research strategy using a comprehensive document review has been adapted to identify, analyze, and derive useful information from existing documents. It is found that Nepalese bureaucrats have low morale, low productivity, uncertain prospects for career development, and a weak reward and punishment system. Other challenges facing the Public Service Commission’s (PSC) recruitment and selection process include frequent changes in civil service rules and regulations along with changes in institutional structure, pervasive corruption in all echelons of administration, lack of political will and support to carry on civil service reform, and bureaucratic resistance. This study also found problems including limited practice of the principles of meritocracy and representative inclusiveness; lack of proper job descriptions in vacancy announcements; highly politicization and rampant corruption; continued practicing of the conventional selection approach; and improper utilization of the managerial, political, and legal approaches in the recruitment and selection process. □ Key Words: civil service, recruitment, selection, public service commission, Nepal
- 4단계BK21 교육연구단 2021.02.18