[워크샵/Workshop] Graduate Students Discussion Workshop
Graduate Student's Voluntary Workshop for BK21 PLUS participants • Thursday 11 May 2017 10:00am to 12:00pm • 422 Jeoungui Hall • Main Speaker: Ladigracia Epafrasi Lyakurwa • Discussants: Jueun Jung, Pramod K.C Hosted by the BK21 plus team • Key Reading: -Chant, Sylvia (2014) Exploring the “feminisation of poverty” in relation to women’s work and home-based enterprise in slums of the Global South. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, 6 (3). pp. 296-316. ISSN 1756-6266 -Deborah Kasente (2000) Gender and social security reform in Africa, International Social Security Association, International Social Security Review, Vol. 53, 3/2000 -Lourdes Benería (2001) Shifting the Risk: New Employment Patterns, Informalization, and Women's Work, International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society, Vol. 15, No. 1
4단계BK21 교육연구단
[단기연수/ Short Overseas Training] IPSA-NUS Summer School
6th international Political Science Association in National University of Singapore (IPSA-NUS) Methods School This summer school will deal with social science research methods from June 19th to June 30th, 2017 in National University of Singapore.
4단계BK21 교육연구단
[국제 워크샵/International Workshop]Workshop on Comparative and International Social Policy Theories and Methods, New Delhi
One of our colleagues, Ladigracia Epafrasi Lyakurwa is invited as one of 20 participants and going to present Social security and Women in Tanzania: Traditional social security system and Labor market Informalization It is Academic Workshop on Social Policy in Developing Contexts in New Delhi hosted by Indian Social Policy Network from 24th to 26th May 2017.
4단계BK21 교육연구단
2017 후기 행정학과 입학설명회/ BK21플러스 설명회(Admission Seminar of Department of Public Administration & BK21 Plus)
Date: 18:00, April 25th Venue: Room 520, Jeongui Hall Topic covered include: - Navigating the application process - The goal and vision of P.A - Explanations about the graduate course - Explanations about the BK21 PLUS and scholarships - Audience Q&A
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[특강/Special Lecture] 'Social Economy and Community Development'
In April, there are Two special lectures on Cooperatives. These lectures are held as parts of Professor Chung Moo Kwon's course on 'Social Economy and Community Development' and BK students are also welcomed. 1. April 6 (Thursday), 9 am -12pm. Professor Jhang, Jong-Ik (Hanshin University) 2. April 11 (Tuesday), 2 - 5 pm. Mr Kim, Cheol-Ho (Director, Good Neighbors Ethiopia). Venue: Jeongui Hall 323 We welcome you!
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[학술대회/Conference] Asian Association for Public Administration(AAPA)
Asian Assoication for Public Administration(AAPA) 2017 Annual Confererence Program Astana Marriott Hotel, Astana, Kaazakhstan 13-14 April, 2017
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[특강/Special Lecture] 2017 국제개발특강 시리즈 / International Development Lecture Series_Ms Ainur Zharkeshova
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[학술대회]2017 KIPA 국제학술대회, 2017 KIPA International Conference
2017 KIPA 국제학술대회: 증거기반 거버넌스시대의 정부역량강화 2017 KIPA International Conference: Enhancing Government Capacity in the Era of Evidence-based Governance 일시: 2017.03.24(금) Date: 24th March, 2017 장소: 한국행정연구원 Venue: KIPA
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[해외단기연수 신청] 6th IPSA-NUS Methods School
IPSA-NUS에 관련된 자세한 사항은 아래 URL 참고바랍니다. For more information, please visit below: http://methods-school.nus.edu.sg/ 참여하길 원하는 대학원생은 "사업팀 소식(Board)" 의 게시글 참고바랍니다.
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[학술대회 신청/Call for Paper] 제3회 전국 행정학과 대학원생 학술대회
일시 (Date) : 2017년 4월 21일 (금), 9시 - 17시 장소 (Venue) : 신촌캠퍼스 연희관 주제 (Topic) : ‘정부역량과 정부의 질’과 관련된 자유주제 및 기타 공공부문과 관련된 주제 Important Dates - 발표 및 토론 신청 Deadline of Registration (presentation or discussion): March 23, 2017 - 논문 마감 Deadline of Paper submission: April 5, 2017 문의 (Contact info.) : 02) 2123 - 3984 대학원생들의 많은 참여 바랍니다.
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