- [학술대회 신청/Call for Papers] 2014 Voluntary Sector And Volunteering Research (NCVO) Conference
- 자세한 사항은 아래 URL 참고 바랍니다. For more information, please visit below: https://www.ncvo.org.uk/training-and-events/research-conference
- 4단계BK21 교육연구단 2021.02.18
- [학술대회 신청/Call for Papers] 2015 2015 Federal Reserve System Community Development Research Conference on Economic Mobilit
- 자세한 사항은 아래 URL 참고 바랍니다. For more information, please visit below: http://www.stlouisfed.org/community_development/economic-mobility-conference-2015/
- 4단계BK21 교육연구단 2021.02.18
- Happy Hour 이벤트!!
- 일시(Date): May 26th, 2014 장소(Venue): 원주 시내
- 4단계BK21 교육연구단 2020.12.29
- 협동조합과 지역사회발전을 위한 국제 심포지움
- DATA 2014.03.27 많은 참여 바랍니다!!
- 4단계BK21 교육연구단 2020.12.29
- 2014 후기 행정학과 입학설명회(Admission Seminar of Department of Public Administration)
- DATA 2014.03.17 2014 후기 행정학과 입학설명회(Admission Seminar of Department of Public Administration) Date: March 31st Venue: Room 238, Jeongui Hall Topic covered include: - Navigating the application process - The goal and vision of P.A. - Explanations about the graduate course - Explanations about the BK21 PLUS and scholarships - Audience Q&A
- 4단계BK21 교육연구단 2020.12.29
- [학술대회 신청/Call for Papers] The 7th Sino-US International Conference for Public Administration
- DATA 2014.03.06 Theme:"Global Governance Reform: Lessons from the Past and Plans for the Future" “跨世纪全球公共治理改革:回顾与展望” The 7th Sino-US International Conference for Public Administration will be held in the Yifu Conference Center, Renmin University of China on June 6th and 7th, 2014。 It will examine public management and governance reform since the end of year 2000 the last century, and will focus on the future. The previous six conferences have been held in China and in the United States as well. This year’s conference theme is: "Global Governance Reform: Lessons from the Past, and Plans for the Future" Background The end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century witnessed global tides for public administration/management reform. As early as the 1990s, scholars have been focusing on governance reform. The 2008 global financial crisis brought to the forefront discussions of global governance. The questions are: Why did decades of public administration reform around the world not seem to have curtailed our governance crisis? Why did efforts in public management innovation not deliver what we expected that movement to deliver? Have we been on the right track? What more could we do to make a difference? What new tools and new knowledge can assist public managers to run their governments? How should public administration scholars around the world cooperate to face the new challenges? As a fast developing country, China's top leaders have also concluded that in order for China to further its reforms, it needs to build a strong and robust modern public governance system。This conference, with all these questions in mind, calls for papers and panels to address issues of public governance reform in the global setting. Retrospective study on reform lessons and experiences, and forward looking studies on ideas, methods, tools and strategies are all welcome。The conference welcomes proposals from scholars in China, the United States, Asia, India, Europe and throughout the world. Papers and panels should fall within, but are not necessarily limited to, the following tracks 1)Theories and Practice of Modern Governance 2) Tools for Governance 3) Core Capacities of Public Sector Leaders 4) Finance and Participatory Public Budgeting 5) Transparency and Open Information 6) Outsourcing Public Service 7) Public Sector Organizational Reform 8) The Role of Non-profits in New Governance 9) Performance Management Languages The official languages of the conference are Chinese and English. While papers could either be in English or in Chinese, presentations should generally be made in English except for the keynote session at the opening. Important Deadlines March 25, 2014: One-two page paper abstract April 10, 2014: Notification of paper acceptance May 10, 2014: Papers Due. Double-spaced manuscripts of 5,000 to 8,000 words (references included) in 12-point font and name/date, Reference style (APA). Microsoft Word * The papers cannot be published in the conference proceedings if they are not submitted on time. Abstract submission Participants will need to log on to http://www.mparuc.edu.cn/zmgjhy for on-line submission. If you do have difficulty submitting your abstract online, you may email it to sinous@mparuc.edu.cn If you have questions, please contact: (outside mainland China): Mengzhong Zhang Associate Dean for International Affairs School of Public Affairs and Administration (SPAA) Rutgers University-Newark Campus TEL: 973-353-3706 (O) FAX: 973-353-5907 (O) Mengzhongzhang@gmail.com (In China or anywhere else): Ms. Mai, Qiulin, Secretary for Foreign Affairs School of Public Administration and Policy, Renmin University of China . TEL.: 86 10 6251 1122 FAX: 86 10 6251 6240 EMAIL: sinous@mparuc.edu.cn
- 4단계BK21 교육연구단 2020.12.28